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Susie has been adopted!

Sponsored by Stephanie & Luis, in celebration of Debbie & Stehan’s upcoming wedding


Dear Future Fur-Sibling,
It’s me, Susie! You might be wondering why I’m writing to you when the other Save Me foster dogs are writing nice notes and bios to their new humans.  Well, the truth is that even though I’m learning to love my foster mom, new people are pretty scary for me.  So I thought I could write you a letter so you could hopefully teach me how to be less scared and how to be more comfortable around people. Who knows, maybe we’ll be best friends some day!
I love to play with other dogs and am good with kitties too. In fact, I am really comfortable with anyone that has four legs instead of two! Isn’t that funny? I am still pretty young and did not have the best start in life, which I guess is why I’m so scared of new people and situations.  Some days my foster mom is really proud of me when I go to her and ask for pets, but some days I run and hide and she doesn’t understand why. She’s been so patient with me, and I hope my future family will be patient too. I really need your help to learn how to love and trust people and to show me that my new humans family are good people.  I promise that, in return, I will be your best friend and maybe we can do everything together, too? I’d love to finally have a fur brother or sister to call my very own.
I am good at not having accidents in the house and know that I should do my “business” outside most of the time.  I would love to live in a home with a fenced backyard so that I can have a safe place to go outside; walks are a bit overwhelming for me right now with all the strange sounds and noises. There’s a lot to be scared of out there, you know! Maybe you can teach me to love walks too?  I hear they are a lot of fun and hope that one day I can enjoy them alongside you.
I really want to love people the way I love other dogs. I know one day I’ll get there, but in the meantime I need some extra help and a special, confident dog friend to show me the way.  Sometimes when I meet people I let out a low growl to let them know that I am scared and uncomfortable and to please keep their distance, but I know that with lots of work and patience I can make human friends.  I hope that my new family will understand me and know that I really want to love and trust them. Having a forever family that loves me for me – issues and all – is my biggest dream. I’m making progress every day, my foster mom says, but sometimes the world can be a scary place and I have setbacks. She says it happens to the best of us and I’m a brave girl which makes me feel safe and secure and like I can overcome anything.
I cannot wait to meet you and spend lots of time together playing, cuddling and I really hope that you can help me learn to be part of a real family.
Until we meet, your future friend Susie


Susie was lovingly fostered by Dione