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Maurice is receiving extra TLC – Not accepting applications

Sponsored in loving memory of Maddie from Echo and Sandy


Maurice joined Save Me Dog Rescue as a stray from a Quebec shelter where his time was running out. We knew he would be in poor health when he arrived but hoped that medical care and TLC could give this little guy a second chance.

An immediate trip to Kingsdale Animal Hospital revealed Maurice was intact, had a perineal hernia, rotten teeth, frost bitten ears and a possible heart condition but his bloodwork and urinalysis were all good for a dog of his approximate 12 years. A referral to Ontario Veterinary College was made for an assessment to see if he was a possible surgical candidate to have his hernia repaired. While we waited for the appointment, we focused on providing Maurice with a good home, healthy food, lots of outdoor time and cuddles. Moe has blossomed into a happy, active little dog; loves his cuddles, is open to meeting other dogs and is managing well in a pack of little dogs. We have learned over time that Maurice has very little hearing.

Maurice seemed like a big name for a 4.8 lb. chihuahua, so we have nicknamed him Moe. He is a typical chihuahua in his love to be close to his humans; on a lap or in your arms. Moe is open to meeting every person he encounters, has a calm, even temperament but gets a little wiggly for his foster parents and other dogs. Outside of the home Moe manages change well, he adapts quickly to new environments as long as his people are near. He loves a walk around the block a couple times a day, is pretty good on leash and loves to sniff!! He gets enough exercise just in the house but to see his joy of all things smelly when outside make you want to get up and go.

Moe is a good boy in the house, hasn’t shown much interest in toys, loves to follow his people around the house. He prefers a blanket on the floor to dog beds and would like one in each room so he can take a break when things get boring…like laundry, cleaning, work! Moe is about 99% house trained. He needs a routine of outings but may sneak off and look for a spot to pee especially in a new environment. Some watchful oversight and a good routine will get him to 100% in no time. Moe is a good eater, has had some gastric sensitivities but salmon protein seems to agree with him. Moe doesn’t like to be left alone; he will bark until his people return and the company of other dogs has shown to provide him comfort in your absence. He is upset in the crate and prefers to sleep in his fosters bed. Once he settles, he is a solid sleeper…with a little old man snoring.

After the OVC assessment, Moe was a good surgical candidate, no heart issues identified by the cardiologist. He had his hernia repaired, neutered, teeth removed and ears cared for. He is recovering well from surgery and starting to grow hair back on his naked backside. Moe was a trooper through it all. He is a happy, healthy little guy.

Moe would do well in a dog savvy home and preferrable adult only given his small size he could be injured easily if not handled properly. He could do well with another small dog. He should not be left alone for long periods of time given the stress it causes him and his barking would cause a disturbance. His new family would need to understand his needs as a deaf dog, his soft dietary requirements and his need for people as a chihuahua.

Although we are accepting applications, Moe will continue to be in rehab until a final vet check in two weeks.

For more information on Maurice, please contact Lisa at

** Adoptions within the province of Ontario only