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Angel has been adopted!

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Hello world! My name is Angel and I am looking for a human best friend! I’m not exactly sure how old I am, but the nice people at the vet thought maybe around 6.

I was found abandoned in an apartment when my family left the Country. I don’t know how long I was alone but I’m so thankful I was found!

I LOVE humans. I seem to pick one and follow them everywhere they go. My foster mama calls me her 10lb shadow. Speaking of which, I’m working very hard on my fitness. The vet said I needed to lose a little weight so I’m enjoying my walks and play time to stay young and healthy! When I was at the vets they cleaned up my teeth and extracted the yucky ones. They said I’ll need to make sure my humans take good care of my teeth, and I will likely need a dental every few years.

I do have a little cough every once in a while but don’t worry, they took pictures of my lungs and throat and my palate is a little bit elongated. It won’t cause me problems but I may have a little cough here and there.

I am nervous around big dogs – they are so much bigger than I am so I just hide behind my foster mama. Little dogs are fine and I get along great with the puggle that lives with my foster family. I also think the little human kid that lives here is pretty awesome. I would be great with dog savvy kids or grandkids.

I am really good at peeing outside and haven’t had any accidents! Poop is tricky so I need to go outside right after I eat or I’ll have a poop accident. But I’m trying really hard to learn! I also like when my human watches me eat – maybe we can have breakfast together!

After being left alone in the apartment I get stressed when my people leave. I don’t bark but I get so overwhelmingly excited when they return I bark and bark. I really would love someone who is home a lot so we can snuggle and hang out!

My favourite activities are:
Following my foster mama everywhere she goes
Belly rubs
Lap sits

I am a really sweet and sensitive girl looking for a bestie to love me as much as I’ll love you!