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Penny is available for adoption

Sponsored in loving memory of Maddie from Echo and Sandy


Pretty Penny is a beautiful brindled mid size girl who is realizing how much life has to offer.

Penny is a shining example of resilience and shows you that a little love and understanding can go a long way. It seems she was left to her own devices through most of her young life, however she is adapting to family life really well. Penny came into care as a very nervous girl, skittish and distrusting, but she is coming out of her shell more and more each day. Her progress has been amazing to watch.

She requires a bit of a warm-up when meeting new people and dogs. She’s shy but is open to finding more people willing to give head scratches and furry playmates. A few treats will also help seal the deal.

Penny is now house trained, but does not love rainy days and will require some routine when she goes to her new home. Heading outside with her frequently in her early days will set her up for success.

Because Penny is still a bit skittish and she is constantly learning new things, an adopter who is open to some training (or has experience to teach) would be greatly rewarded by this loyal lady. She’s smart and will thrive in an encouraging and positive environment. Teaching and interacting with her will help to build a strong bond between owner and dog.

Penny is good on leash and enjoys exploring. She would do well with an adopter who enjoys walking/hiking and loves the outdoors. At this point in her life, she’s not “playful” but more of a serious girl who would thrive in a calm home. She is independent, occupies herself, and prefers to sleep in her own bed, but loves to seek out attention and affection from her people.

She’s the ideal dog for someone who likes a life companion pet; a “sit by your feet” as opposed to “on your lap” kind of dog. With some love and guidance, she will flourish.

For a video of Penny, visit:

For more information on Penny, please contact Angie at

**Adoptions within the province of Ontario only