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Toto has been adopted!

Sponsored in thanks to some amazing teachers for a great 2023-2024 school year.



Toto arrived in Toronto after having lived the first year of his life in a puppy mill. What that means is that he had no/very little exposure to humans and spent his time with other dogs. As a result, Toto gets along well with the 3 senior dogs in his foster home and loves playing with the cat. When he arrived, he was terrified of people – he’s progressed from freezing in place if a human is nearby to shaking/trembling to becoming comfortable with his foster family.

Although his personality is sure to develop as he gains confidence. he demonstrates that he likes to play independently with toys – balls are a particular favourite. At this point, he plays when he doesn’t realize anyone is watching him and he has a dog bed that he considers his “safe spot” aside from his crate.

He is a good eater, in his crate, as long as nobody is watching him. He shows zero food aggression, or any aggression at all towards anything.

We are working on getting him used to a harness and leash. Currently, he will sit outside in the front yard but he has not progressed to walking on the leash yet. It is important that his forever home have a fully fenced backyard where he can gain some confidence and trust in his people. He loves being outside!

Toto is working on housetraining and does really well when he is taken outside to the back yard several times a day. He consistently keeps his crate clean.

Toto would definitely benefit from the companionship of another dog he can learn from and will make a great addition to the right family. As he gets used to being in a home, his personality is slowly emerging. He loves shoes, papers and things from the recycling box. Because he is still young and learning, he is very curious about things he can reach. In many ways, we are seeing him behaving as a typical one year