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Sasha has been adopted!

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Hi everyone,

We are excited to introduce you to this beautiful little girl Sasha.

Sasha is a typical little puppy and still learning about the outside world, with new sights, sounds and smells. She a good walker and understands basic commands.

Sasha is a play girl that loves to play with her favourite toys. Sasha would do well with another dog or on her own and cats. She would also be okay with dog savvy kids.

Adopting a puppy is not a decision to be made lightly. They need a great deal of attention during their formative months. They come to you essentially as blank slates. Remember, you are responsible for socializing them and helping them learn how to be a family member in a home full of humans, and perhaps other animals. Bottom line – it is a big commitment. Make sure you are ready for that before submitting an application. If you have a friend who has adopted a puppy, ask them how it was.

Like all puppies, these pups will need proper training to become good canine citizens and enjoyable family members. Depending on your comfort level and experience, this may include puppy training with a professional trainer.

Sasha will be required to be spayed at the appropriate age and at that time a portion of the adoption fee will be returned.