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Mousseline has an application in progress

Sponsored in honour of a special young lady.


Hello, my name is Mousseline but foster mom also calls me Moussie or Mousse and her blue-eyed beauty. I am looking forward to getting my own family. I am a Pomeranian and about 7 pounds. I am 4 years old (DOB August 5, 2020). I have a fair amount of energy but I can also settle. I had a tough start to life so I haven’t learned to snuggle with my human but foster mom thinks I will. I will give her hand kisses but I’m not too keen on being picked up. However, if foster mom picks me up, I will give her kisses. I follow foster mom around the house, especially if she is in the kitchen. I like everyone I have met. While I haven’t met any children, foster mom thinks I would be fine with respectful children. I have shown some interest in toys and a bone. Foster mom has a box she kept for the cats to hide in and I think it is a great toy to dig in. I also take my treasures there.

Foster mom says I learn quickly. I knew my name and that I am mostly house trained but sometimes, I have an accident. I will use a puppy pad if I am confined to a small area. I had never seen stairs before and I learned quickly to go up the 4 steps to the deck. If foster mom puts me on the top step, I will go down the rest. As well, I had never been on a leash before but it isn’t too bad.

Foster mom has two small dogs and several cats. I met foster mom’s friend’s big dogs and I was okay with them. One of foster mom’s cats head butted me. I didn’t know what she wanted and just ignored her.

I stay in a separate room while foster mom is out and at night. Sometimes, I’ll bark a bit when she first leaves. Sometimes I bark for what foster mom thinks is no reason but she wonders if I am barking at my reflection. I love to run outside so a fenced yard is best.

The ideal home for me could have another similar sized dog that likes to play but I would likely be okay on my own. It would have a fenced yard. I am figuring out this walk thing and then we can go for a walk. You can have cats or respectful children.

I am waiting to be spayed but I am accepting applications now and will be ready to go home after I am all healed up.

For more information on Mousseline, please contact Cathy at

** Adoptions within the province of Ontario only