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Buddy has been adopted!


Are you looking for the “total package”? Then look no further! Buddy is smart, spunky, loving and devoted to his humans. He mostly wants to be as near to those he loves as possible. He is a little shadow, following you throughout the house, although he rarely gets under foot. He is equal parts couch potato and playful – happy to spend the evening on the couch but also up for playing fetch with his favourite squeaky toy or going for a walk!

Buddy is a happy, healthy little boy with great house manners. He can “sit”, “shake a paw”, and give a “high 5”. His specialty is to “sit pretty” when he’d like a treat or attention – it’s hard to resist his charms! He is happiest sleeping in the bed at night, and will burrow under the blanket and curl up to you. Buddy would be a great candidate for agility training as he loves to run and jump and is so eager to please. He is a good eater, is not picky and enjoys treats.
Buddy is house trained if he is taken out regularly, and a fully fenced yard is a must. He prefers that you escort him on his outings to praise his good deeds and keep him company. He requires a home where someone is home most of the time. Buddy does not like to be crated or confined, although in his previous home he could be left for up to 5 hours in the bedroom with no issues – he was initially anxious but would settle down quickly. He does well when he has the run of the main rooms, and is not destructive when left alone. Buddy has experienced separation anxiety, so a home with another calm dog to keep him company is required.
He LOVES to go for walks, and gets very excited when he knows it’s time to go out. He is wonderful on leash. He may bark at passersby, but is easily corrected and redirected. Buddy enjoys car rides and is a quiet passenger. He has been sick on longer rides (1+ hours) when he was crated, so tethering him or possibly using a booster seat would be best. He can be crated for short rides with no problem.
Buddy will bark initially when visitors enter the home, but quickly warms up and is friendly and charming. He does have a loud bark, so he would not be suitable for apartment living. He does quiet down quickly and is not a constant barker.
Buddy has lived with a cat in the past and been fine. He is good with respectful dogs, and benefits from another dog in the house. He does like to be the centre of attention and receive a lot of affection, so his new home will need to take steps to establish a good relationship with his dog sibling. A home with no children, or at least 12 years old with dog-experienced, would be best.
Buddy is looking for a calm home where he will be loved and cherished as he so deserves. He is a loyal and adoring lap dog, and would like to make his forever home with someone who will appreciate all he has to offer – love, affection, companionship, and a bit of spunk.
For more information about Buddy, please contact Rachel at
Buddy was lovingly fostered by Rachel L.