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Bronte has been adopted.

As many of you know we have number of “forever fosters” within our rescue. Bronte came to Save Me Rescue approximately one year ago, from a puppy mill. Unlike most of our other puppy mill survivors, what makes Bronte unique in the most terrible way is that this mill was in our own backyard. You got it – Bronte was rescued alongside numerous other dachshunds’ right here in Ontario.

When Bronte arrived covered with ticks, we were told his liver was failing due to years of neglect and he was dying. Afraid of everything from noises, shadows and smells to cleanliness itself — he was most afraid of people. For the first weeks in what might have been the first home in his life, he sought refuge inside his crate. This was his safe place, where he not only slept, but lived and pottied too, because he knew no other way.

Eventually, his foster parents placed a baby gate in front of his crate, allotting Bronte his own territory free from trespassers, but, at the same time allowing him to be part of their family. Soon his cage was removed and he started to use puppy pads. Then his foster parents began to sit in his space, carefully avoiding eye contact with him while they read the paper and talked quietly to each other. In this way, they were able to be close to him without any intimidation or pressure. At a loss when it came to bones and balls, even treats, he refused canned food and ate only kibble.

Bronte has come such a long way during the past year, and is now able to wear a leash and go on walks, which he had come to love! He has certainly impressed his foster parents; our President Astrid and her husband, who have taken on the role of his permanent family as Bronte is now in palliative care and unavailable for adoption. While he has exceeded the doctor’s expectations who gave him only months to live; life is not as easy as it could be for his parents.

Bronte requires many medications and diaper changes which can be very expensive, as he is somewhat incontinent when it comes to #1. He is happy to go outside and use the grass as he has learned some valuable potty training however! That being said, he is happy. Bronte has a loving family and many foster brothers and sister with whom he plays to the best of his ability, having not known how to play for many years. His medication keeps him free from pain, and that’s what counts.

It takes a very special family to care for a dog like Bronte, but he makes it simple when he looks up at them with his big brown eyes. They have vowed to love and cherish him until his time comes. For now, Bronte enjoys the simple pleasures in life; high quality food, some treats, a cushy dog bed to call his very own (which has also been a new experience for him) some stuffies and his walks.

After a lot of testing we have come to the conclusion that Bronte’s liver is very sick and there is nothing else that can be done. Save Me Rescue has tried everything possible to keep him alive and he is now in palliative care. However, being that he used to hide away from people unless there were treats present but now picks a corner in the room where everyone else is and sticks around to see what is happening, we think that is huge progress for this little guy! We are so happy to be able to provide him with the home and the love he never knew before.

Bronte is definitely a survivor. While we have done everything we can do for him from a medical point of view, he gets his medicine every day and goes to the vet periodically for check-ups to  make sure he is not suffering. The rescue continues to spend copious amount of money on his medical care.

Most recently [September 2015], Bronte has begun to enjoy his walks a little less as he is increasingly becoming more tired after a little while. He has also begun to lose his sight ever so slowly but his sense of smell is still very good so he gets by well. Sadly, Bronte is also starting to have some slight brain damage.

That being said however, he still enjoys the house and the backyard very much. His foster parents love him to pieces and are very happy and grateful that they have been able to give him 2 more years of life, love and attention that he never had before. Especially after the vet though he was going to last just a couple of months after a terrible life in a mill. So that is where we are with Bronte, celebrating every day we have with him!

While we know we will have to make a difficult decision soon, we are to wait until he no longer wants to eat according to our vet, to put him to sleep however for the time being he still eats like there is no tomorrow, which gives us hope. Save Me Rescue would like to thank those who send us emails regarding Bronte and especially those who donate what they can to help with his treatment.

[If you would like to donate to cover some of the costs of Bronte’s medications, please feel free to e-transfer to]


unnamed (1) Bronte 1