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Miles has been adopted.


Miles / Male / Australian Cattle – Hound mix / 40 lbs / 1 yr / Adoption fee: $400.00


Hi My name is Miles!

I am the cutest 1 year old Australian Cattle / Hound dog you’ll ever see, and I flaunt it. I not only photograph really well but I love my foster home where I get to play all day with my foster brother Jasper. Sometimes loud noises make me jump so I look to him for guidance to see there is no threat. Jasper shows me how to do everything from some basic commands like learning Sit and Lay Down to where the play areas are, and how to wait at the doorway while the humans unlock/lock it. I love to lay down and play-fight as I am a bit lazy sometimes. Other times I just love to run around and enjoy the park, the really long lead the humans made for me, 50′ is the longest leash I have ever used. I would love a family with another playmate. If there are kids and cats you can trust me to make really good friends right away for life. I love to pull apart rope toys and chew on them, luckily the humans have tons of toys for me to choose from – I have never seen so many in one place before. I feel comfortable in my crate at night or when I need to calm down for a nap. The humans here make really excellent treats and these amazingly delicious chews, all natural is the way to be, **mmm drools**. The forest and the pool the humans are talking about, whatever those things are so I will have to update you once I find out what they are and if I like them. For now it is time for bed, I better hurry so I can take the fluffiest newest bed – I like to be snuggled when I sleep you see. Woof-Night!

-your future pal, Miles

For more information on Miles, please contact his foster mom Jenn, at

Please note that while we continue to get to know each of our dogs, their biographies will be updated with additional information, so make sure to check back once in a while!
