
Chihuahua – Female – 13 lbs – 6 yrs (approx.)


Sponsored by Cole, Bryson and Maeve because every dog deserves a safe and loving home.


Hi everyone, I would like to introduce you to Poppy.

This little one is a very happy girl, she has a rather cheerful personality with the biggest bum wiggles you have ever seen. She is striving to enjoy all of what life has to offer.
She had a bit of a rough start and came into rescue very underweight. Poppy is a good eater and is now at a healthy weight. During her initial veterinary checkup she did test positive for Lyme disease. Poppy has had a course of doxycycline to take care of this.

On New Year’s Day, Poppy was not feeling well, and it was discovered that she had an internal abscess near her spay surgery site. She underwent surgery and had a smooth and complete recovery. Poppy recently had a dental and a few extractions and all of her medical care is now complete.
As you can see, she is thriving and ready to live her best life with her forever family.

She is good with other dogs, enjoys the snow, but not the real cold temperatures. She loves to cuddle and is very happy with a bed and a blanket.

For more information on Poppy, please contact Donna at dclone11@yahoo.com

** Adoptions within the province of Ontario only