– Monetary Donations –
Save Me Dog Rescue is a Registered Charity with the Government of Canada (Charity number 80828 2040 RR0001) and relies on monetary donations to achieve our goal of saving as many at-risk dogs as we can. We are able to provide tax receipts for donations over $20.00.
Did you know that Save Me will send a card on your behalf if you choose to make a donation in honour of someone? Please email us at donations@savemedogrescue.ca and let us know why your donating. If you are donating in memory of someone, in celebration of a birthday or new furry family member, or maybe just to send a thank you to someone, you can let us know and we will send a card notifying them of the wonderful donation you have made on their behalf!
Cheques & Money Orders can be sent to the following address:
Save Me Dog Rescue
P.O. Box 189
Carlisle, ON
L0R 1H0
E-Transfer can be sent to donations@savemedogrescue.ca. Be sure to send us an email with your mailing address, in order to receive your tax receipt.
Paypal You are able to donate through PayPal using your PayPal account, credit card or debited from your bank account using donations@savemedogrescue.ca
– Shop Online –
Items on our Amazon Wish List ship directly to this address as well, so be sure to check it out! For your convenience, we have tried to select inexpensive items with free shipping! So if you would like to help us out without leaving your desk, feel free to select and send a few items directly to our rescue.
– Payroll Deductions –
Has your work place teamed up with Benevity? Benevity is the global leader in online workplace giving, matching, volunteering and integrated grant management solutions. Save Me Dog Rescue has been approved and registered with Benevity, so donate directly through your payroll deductions. Speak to your HR about how you can take part in this

The Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign (GCWCC) has started. As we mentioned, Save Me Dog Rescue is a registered Canadian charity! This means that you can donate directly to Save Me Dog Rescue by completing section 5 of your Gift Form. Enter our organization’s name and charity number 80828 2040 RR0001 along with the amount you would like to donate. You can also elect to donate through payroll deductions. For the full Canadian registered charity information for Save Me Dog Rescue, click here. For more information regarding the Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign, click here. Thank you for your support!
-New & Gentle Used Items –
Items like crates, collars, leashes, harnesses, good quality dog food, toys, blankets, food dishes, potty training pads, pet-safe cleaning supplies, pet stairs for our seniors, travel kennels, play pens and beds are very much appreciated. Should you choose to donate these items, please contact us and we will arrange for a volunteer to meet up with you. Save Me Dog Rescue volunteers are situated all across Southern Ontario and a volunteer in your area would be happy and extremely grateful to accept your donation!